
Get Your Flu And Shingles Vaccines

Visit Ken’s Pharmacy to get your flu and shingles vaccines! We are locally owned and operated and dedicated to our community. Whether you need your medicine prescriptions filled, some helpful advice for a cough or cold, or a flu vaccine, rest assured our staff will provide fast, attentive, and professional service. Stop in today to get vaccinated for the Flu and Shingles! Our owners have over 30 years of industry experience and a dedication to helping our patients with all their pharmacy needs. 

Flu Shot Appointment — Crete, NE — Ken's Pharmacy

Benefits Of Flu Vaccine

  • Protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu and its complications 
  • Reduce the severity of illness if you get sick 
  • Reduce the chances of being hospitalized by the flu 
  • Preventative for individuals with certain chronic health conditions 
  • Protect pregnant women during and after pregnancy 
  • Protect small children from severe complications with the flu 

Do I Need The Shingles Vaccine?

If you have a weakened immune system or you’ve had chickenpox, it’s recommended you get the shingles vaccines. Individuals 50 years old and up have a higher chance of developing shingles, so it's highly recommended people in this age bracket get the vaccine. If you have any questions or concerns about the shingles vaccine, please give us a call! 

Doctor Filling Shingles Vaccine Syringe — Crete, NE — Ken's Pharmacy

Schedule an appointment with us today.

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